The Virginian-Pilot opens Journalism Workshop to college students

Every summer, The Virginian-Pilot holds a Journalism Workshop for high school students; but this year, they have opened the opportunity to college students.

What is it?

A photo from the last day during my time at the Journalism Workshop. July 2016. (Jimmy Slocum Jr.).

A photo from the last day during my time at the Journalism Workshop, Norfolk, V.A., Jul. 2016. (Jimmy Slocum Jr.)

This Journalism Workshop shows interested students what a career in journalism entails during the five-day workshop, which this year falls on July 23-27.

The Virginian-Pilot Journalism Workshop offers high school and college students the chance to learn about journalism, to meet other students with similar interests in news, and to have fun,” wrote Erica Smith, online editor and Director of Digital Strategy at The Virginian-Pilot. “This is an intensive immersion into print and digital journalism.”

The workshop covers a variety of topics such as interviewing, research, story organization, self-editing, deadline news writing, feature writing, layout, design, photography, multimedia and social media, according to Smith.

“For years, we’ve supported local high school students seeking journalism experience,” wrote Smith.


A photo from my time at the Journalism Workshop, Norfolk, V.A., Jul. 2016. (Logan Reardon)

Smith runs the Journalism Workshop with Denise Watson, a reporter for The Virginian-Pilot.

How to apply

The workshop takes place at The Virginian-Pilot in Norfolk and is free of charge, but participants are responsible for their own transportation.

The application is due by Monday, April 30, along with a letter of recommendation by a teacher, newspaper adviser, guidance counselor or “someone who can highlight your work as a writer,” which does not include family members, according to Smith. Smith advises applicants to ask the person permission to include their contact information.

For more information or any questions, applicants can contact Denise Watson at 757-446-2504 or or Erica Smith at 757-446-2456 or

Shelly Slocum is a Staff Writer for The Daily Runner.