Honor Societies: Their Missions, Events & Information

Honor societies provide great opportunities for connection, community and growth within your chosen field of study. Read on to learn more about five of the societies represented at Regent.

Psychology: Psi Chi
Psi Chi, the International Psychology Honor Society, aims to provide students with career, education and research opportunities. They help direct career goals, provide resume and CV guidance, discuss graduate school, and open opportunities for hands-on research. Their Undergraduate Research Initiative team provides students with a rare opportunity to learn first-hand what research looks like and participate in data collection and analysis. They also host guest speakers at monthly events, and on December 2nd, they are having a talk on Handling Holiday Stress through the Relational Lens.

They are also doing a food and clothing drive for the local food bank throughout November and December. If you are interested in becoming a member, contact kellrhy@mail.regent.edu.

Education: Kappa Delta Pi
Do you have a passion to teach and a desire for all children to have an equal opportunity for quality education? If so, the Kappa Delta Pi National Honor Society is the community for you. Their aim is to promote excellence in education and fellowship among those dedicated to teaching. KDP will host an induction ceremony for new members in October. Christmas parties, fundraisers and coffee break meetings are just a few of the ways they provide a community for the education students on campus. Joining this society offers the chance to make lifetime friends with similar passions. 

Contact kdp@mail.regent.edu with any further questions.

Communication: Lambda Pi Eta
Lambda Pi Eta, the National Communication Honor Society, seeks to recognize, foster and support outstanding scholastic achievement while stimulating interest in communication and media arts. Regent’s chapter promotes the cultivation of wisdom and eloquence based on the conviction that it is in Christ that true wisdom and eloquence may grow in us.  

LPH members enjoy special events, faculty and professional mixers, job and internship opportunities, national recognition of their academic achievement, a resume boost and more. 

In November, LPH hled a panel and mixer, where students had the opportunity to hear and speak with practicing communication professionals. In the spring, they plan to hold a public speaking tournament and resume workshop. Get updates about these events on their Instagram @regentuniversitylph and learn more by emailing the president Jordan Lance at jordla1@mail.regent.edu.

English: Sigma Tau Delta
Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society, is present with over 900 chapters globally and a message to transform the world with words. Regent’s chapter aims to connect outstanding students from the English department, provide opportunities for discussion and host literary events. Previous events featured literary contests as well as specialty lectures. They also host special evenings of socialization with Sigma Tau Delta members and English faculty. With the addition of new board members, the society hopes to expand creative literary involvement on campus. Requirements for membership include having taken a minimum of two non-general education college-level English courses, maintaining a 3.0 GPA and having completed three semesters of college courses. 

If you meet these requirements, email regentenglishers@gmail.com.

Criminal Justice: Alpha Phi Sigma
Membership in Alpha Phi Sigma, the Criminal Justice Honor Society, signifies your dedication to academic excellence, leadership, service and unity. It allows you to join the ranks of thousands of other APS members who make a positive difference each day in their respective professions and communities. Some of the benefits of joining include an automatic 2-grade pay increase when entering federal employment, scholarships, membership certificate, access to law enforcement job postings and more. 

APS also hosts an annual panel discussion/networking opportunity featuring professionals who represent a variety of criminal justice professions. More details will be forthcoming soon. For more information about membership, contact graceng@mail.regent.edu.

If you are not part of the honor society for your major, I highly recommend you join! Even if you are unsure, attend an event and fellowship with some fellow majors. Regent also has honor society chapters for students studying health, professional counseling, theatre and political science. 


Emilee Speier

Emilee Speier is a senior studying journalism and criminal justice. In addition to working at the Daily Runner, she has also completed internships with Lifeway Christian Resources and the Virginia Beach General District Court.