Why Vote?

As the presidential election gets closer, many people have found themselves asking, “Why vote?” I am incredibly disheartened to hear my fellow Americans constantly repeat this question. Have we so easily forgotten the importance of this right? Despite the circumstances our nation finds itself in, and regardless of how dissatisfied you are with the candidates, you must vote. There is always hope for this great nation, and you must give our country the best chance possible. Do not leave the future of this nation up to others; take advantage of your constitutional right and vote.

Voting is the backbone of our democracy; it is a key founding principle that our ancestors fought and bled for. The right to vote was what initiated the birth of this great nation— to be truly represented and have one’s voice heard. When the British Empire refused to grant the colonies proper representation, they rebelled, they fought, and they died for this sacred right. With the hope that by dying they might provide their fellow Americans with the ability to have a say in their governance. So that governments would no longer rule men, but serve them. Rather than have the government keep citizens in line, it would now be the people keeping their Government accountable.

Throughout history, tyrants have crushed the God-given rights of millions. The people oftentimes had no say in the actions of their rulers and were frequently victims of the very people that claimed to protect them. Those poor souls would have given anything to vote and feel heard. When our founding fathers chose to fight, they chose a path of liberty that would not only free their own nation but encourage millions of others to do the same.

By living in the United States, you have been gifted a great honor that many in the world would fight and die for. Yet, you don’t have to; you were born with it, and you take it for granted. Brave men and women have bled so that you can vote. They understood the true cost of freedom. Over the centuries, your ancestors fought and died to preserve this right for their children. If you were to abstain from voting, it would disrespect the memory of all those who have died to preserve freedom. So, when election day comes and you find yourself walking by a ballot box, do not disappoint them. Vote.