Senior Spotlight: Megan Dunnington

This week the spotlight is on Megan Dunnington, a senior from the busy suburban city of Fredericksburg, Virginia. Over the course of her life, Megan has always set the bar very high for herself. She graduated high school at 16, started her freshman year right after turning 17, and is now graduating at age 19. As if attending college early wasn’t good enough, she felt the need to graduate early, too! This May, she will complete her degree in elementary education, something she’s dreamed of since she was young.
When asked why she chose elementary education, Megan answered, “Ever since I was a little girl, I would always pretend to be a teacher. I think when you’re a child, the Lord plants certain interests in you for a reason.”
Throughout her time at Regent, Megan has been heavily involved with campus life. She started freshman year joining the Campus Ministries apprentice program. The next year, she served as a Life Group Leader and worked for Campus Ministries as an Admin. She is also part of Regent University’s Student Alumni Ambassadors, a school organization dedicated to representing Regent and the Lord to the outside world. In each of these instances, Megan recalled that God opened the right doors and she met the people she needed to meet in order to go through those doors.
Finally, this year, Megan serves as the Resident Assistant of Foundation’s Secret Garden Hall. In every aspect, she strives for an atmosphere of beauty, sisterhood, and unity, from the countless flowers arrayed upon the walls to the nighttime parties with cookies and cocoa. According to numerous girls on her hall, “Megan is the motherly-sisterly figure that we didn’t know we needed.”
In addition to being a senior and an RA, Megan also runs a freelance photography business on the side. Freshman year, she had a camera and liked to take pictures for fun. Later on in her college career, her friend Dallas, now her soon to be husband, encouraged her to branch out and turn her hobby into a job.
When asked what this experience taught her, Megan said that “you have to be confident in the talents that God has given you, and use them to only serve others.” She went on to describe the service of photography saying, “My favorite part is showing someone a picture, and they’re like, ‘is that me?’ Photography is a way to be seen in a new way. It reminds people who they are and how beautiful and wonderful they are.”
Since coming to Regent, Megan has grown spiritually. “Jesus became a lifeline. I could not go through without the Lord. Alone at college, you don’t always have people, but you always have the Lord.”
When she first came to college, she worked hard to achieve perfection. “Being younger, and having already done well, there was a pressure to prove myself.” But through her college journey, she said that God taught her, “walk in reality, accept your mistakes, and live in God’s freedom.”
Kathryn Funk is a contributor to The Daily Runner.