Seasons changing
Leaves falling
The sun casts a new glow
The clouds dance across a new canvas
There is beauty in the change of nature
Do you see it?
The birds sing
The leaves fall
How the path before us changes with each season
The summer air slowly turning to a cold breeze
A new breath of life
A new season has come
Warm drinks replace the cold
Sweaters and cozy socks
Are paired with warm embraces
Filled with nostalgia
Familiar faces
New places
It comes with the season
The beauty of fall
We can’t escape it
It reminds us
All things come in their due season
Autumn whispers new prayers
Will we meet again?
Will we fall like the autumn leaves?
Will we have the same joy as children jumping in a pile of leaves?
Faces come and go
But I like to see yours through the seasons
Familiar but mysterious
Like the wind
Like the trees
Like the autumn prayer