Weatherly, Hodges, and Klaves Share FIRST LOOK for 2D Animated film ‘Jennie’
The Daily Runner is excited to offer an exclusive first look at ‘Jennie,’ the 2D Animated short film from writer and co-directors Jaron Weatherly and Courtland Hodges and producer John Klaves.
The film has been in production for 11 weeks, with a summer release date being heavily considered for the finished film.
This first look shows where the production team is in their process, as animation can take a long time. The team believes their film is proof of what students can accomplish together with a shared vision and excitement for taking risks. Every piece of art showcases the immense talent and gifts of the animators working on ‘Jennie.’ The hope is that others are both inspired by the collaborative spirit and genuine work ethic of the incredible animators on this production!
To see first look images and learn more about the film, visit our official website.
Amy Roer serves as Lead Character Designer for ‘Jennie.’ Her designs truthfully dictated the art style that the finished film will reflect. Emma Boone and Emmanuel Gundran along with their creative teams have beautifully designed the storyboards and animatics for the film. Noah Chambers took the lead on designing props and background characters that infuse a ‘lived in’ element to the story.
Rounding out the rest of the ‘Jennie’ team are Abigail Metzger, Alyssa Febres, Amie Baudin, Analyn Wilkinson, Bethany Thompson, Delaney Bowman, Emily Hoover, Mary Spearman, and Priscilla Segarra, among many others! You can watch the Official Animatic for ‘Jennie’ here.