Senior Spotlight: Elissa Perry
Elissa Perry truly embodies Christian leadership.
Q: What is your major?
A: Communications
Q: Where is your hometown?
A: Calvert County, Maryland
Q: What’s a fun fact about yourself?
A: I can touch my tongue to my nose; only 8-10% of the population can do that.
Q: What are your plans after graduation? What is the ultimate dream?
A: I’m looking at getting an internship for the summer in marketing or public relations. I have a couple of internships lined up. I’m also looking into graduate school in the fall. I’ve looked at a couple of schools in Maryland, but I’m still not sure. I’m just trying to figure out work and school. If money wasn’t an option, the ultimate dream would be to travel the world, but since money is an option I would love to do anything in advertising, marketing or even work for a nonprofit.

Elissa Perry, Virginia Beach, VA, 2016.
Q: What was your favorite memory from your time at Regent?
A: I would have to say SAA (Student Alumni Ambassadors) is my favorite memory. We have done a lot of events, but my favorite would have to be when we went to CASE Conference in Florida and then Kentucky last year. Since it’s a small group of people, you get to bond with each other. We also got to meet other schools and hang out with them. It was just a really great bonding experience and we have been able to grow as students and as leaders.
Q: How specifically has Regent prepared you to be a Christian Leader to Change the World? And how do you want to live that out on a day-to-day basis?
A: Serving in SAA, working in the Regent C.A.R.E.S. office and other student organizations I have been a part of really prepared me to be a Christian leader. I did service projects for different organizations and being able to give to the community while representing Regent is the most significant way I’ve been prepared to be a Christian leader. For me in my day-to-day life, being a Christian leader looks like being a leader wherever you are. In one of my offices, I am the senior representative, so I am supposed to be the example to all my co-workers. I am required to help them, lead them, and answer their questions. When it comes to my friends and family, I am trying to be that representation of Christ. I’m always taking what I’ve learned and applying it in little ways.
Q: If you could go back and change one thing about your time at Regent, what would it be?
A: I wish I gotten involved earlier into my freshmen year. I didn’t really get involved until the second semester. I wish I had met more people and become more involved right away because it is the people and community that have made me love Regent.
Madeline Ferrante is a staff writer for The Daily Runner.