Regent’s first-ever vocal showcase
What’s happening
Are you a fan of Broadway? Do you like watching videos on YouTube of your favorite live performers or playing musical soundtracks over and over? If so, then this event is for you. Sunday, May 6 at 3:00 p.m., Regent’s first ever Vocal Showcase will be happening. The event will be held in the Studio Theater. Admission is free. This year, the theme is musical theatre, with students from the voice studios of Dr. Ironmonger-Wood and Ms. Kathi-Lee Wilson coming together to perform songs from several popular Broadway shows.
What’s being performed
Performers for the showcase will feature Mia Ritter, who recently played the leading lady in Regent Theatre’s She Loves Me; Bethany Baldwin, who placed in Regent’s Got Talent; Lori Smith; Charlie Mason; and many others. The music being performed ranges across multiple genres and eras, with everything from Phantom of the Opera to Waitress to Sister Act. In other words, there will be something there for everyone.
Come on out!
Singing is a discipline that requires a lot of hard work and dedication, but the results are well worth the effort. For the past three months, these students have been honing their skills, hammering out every detail for the songs they will be performing. So, if you can make it, come on down to the Studio Theater this Sunday; doors open at 2:30 p.m. and the show starts at 3:00 p.m. Find a good seat, relax, and get ready to hear some amazing music from a set of incredible performers.
Becky Presnall is a staff writer for the Daily Runner.