Overview of the Alexander Hamilton Fellowship
There is a new fellowship opportunity beginning on campus this year to inspire students interested in economics, government, and politics to learn how to navigate the challenges of the 21st century.
The Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation is funding an advanced learning opportunity for a select number of undergraduate students at Regent University — the Alexander Hamilton Fellowship. Students selected to participate in this program will critically explore and evaluate ideas concerning the principles of political and economic freedom.
The Alexander Hamilton Fellowship prepares the new generation of Christian leaders with the knowledge and understanding of the principles of economic and political liberty to handle the crises in our modern society. From the war in Ukraine to the possibility of another economic downturn in America, the world is looking for new leaders to step up and make a change on the economic and political stage. This fellowship will help students learn how to make effective and lasting changes based on research and pattern recognition.
“We live in a time of great economic uncertainty,” said Dr. Rob Schwarzwalder, who leads the Hamilton Fellowship program.
“Serious Christians need to be prepared to serve well in whatever professional sphere to which God calls them, whether in times of prosperity or difficulty.”
The meetings are rigorous but informal, beginning with a meal provided by the Koch Foundation and then moving into the evening’s discussion. Topics will include the nature of capitalism and its compatibility with Christianity, how Christians should think about poverty and economic justice, and the ways in which Christians in the marketplace can honor the Lord. The meetings will be held on Tuesday evenings beginning the week of March 11, 2024 through the week of April 22, 2024.
“It’s really cool to get together and discuss topics that are pertinent to the issues that we face on a day-to-day basis,” said Maddy Tyree, a junior at Regent University and a participant in the program. she says.
“Who can’t look at the price of groceries and wonder if there’s something to be done? This program discusses these issues while trying to come up with solutions to solve them. It’s a lot different than most philosophy or theology clubs. We will be talking about real world issues and real world solutions.”
Students who wish to be included in the program must be juniors or seniors, and can apply through February 24 for the opportunity to be selected as one of the twenty participants. Students may participate in the program for one academic credit or, if Honors College students, for six LIFE points. The Alexander Hamilton Fellowship is recognized at graduation as a distinct honor.
Applications are available at https://www.regent.edu/student-life/student-engagement/alexander-hamilton-fellowship-program/
Students can also apply through this QR Code: