Operation Angel Tree: Regent Supports the Children of Deployed Parents Over the Holidays
Operation Angel Tree aims to help military families celebrate a little extra during the holiday season.
For many of us the holidays are a time of togetherness. Family or friends, Christmas is a time when we gather close with those we love and celebrate God’s gift to us. But this is not always the case. Every year, many military families find themselves split apart and far away from their loved ones. Children often awake Christmas morning to only one of their parents – the other being deployed and unable to hug them close. While some of us may be resting and celebrating in the peace and joy of the holiday season, some of us are hurting and wondering why our father or mother is not there to bring the magic and joy of Christmas.
Thankfully, there are many ways we can support children of military families in which one or more parent is deployed over Christmas. Regent University’s own Military Resource Center is proud to be hosting Operation Angel Tree this holiday season. This is the first year Regent University is hosting this event, and those at the Military Resource Center are ecstatic over the support that has already been shown and hope to gain even stronger participation over the next few days and weeks. A special Christmas tree will be set up in the Military Resource Center (DIV 180), and for each child represented, an angel ornament will be hung on the tree. If you know of any children whose parents are deployed over the holiday season, please submit the child’s first and last name, gender, age, and mailing address to the Military Resource Center. Deadlines for the event are as follows:
- Submitting a child’s information (only their age and gender will be published): Nov. 30
- Donation of monetary funds: Dec. 11
- Sponsoring a child with a gift: Dec. 15
- Aiding the Military Resource Center with the packaging and wrapping of gifts: Dec. 18
So far, fifteen children have been represented by the extended family of Regent University, and some of Regent’s very own military families are dealing with the struggle of missing a loved one over the coming holidays. Rebekah Lloyd, the VA School Certifying Official of the Military Resource Center expressed her gratitude and excitement over the event saying, “You have an idea and just hope and pray it reaches those who need it.”
Whether you find you are able to support Regent’s Operation Angel Tree event through the submission of a loved one’s name, through a gift, volunteer work, or simply through prayer, take a moment this Christmas to thank God for those who are serving our country abroad – and for the children who are sacrificing their mom and/or dad during this holiday season.
For more information regarding Regent’s Operation Angel Tree, please contact Rebekah Lloyd at rlloyd@regent.edu.
Emily Boulter is a Staff Writer for The Daily Runner.