Jessica Jones Netflix Coming Soon
Marvel’s second Netflix-exclusive series has a release date!
If you haven’t watched the Netflix-exclusive series, Marvel’s Daredevil, drop everything. You’ve got a thirteen-hour job ahead of you. But if you have seen the acclaimed superhero show, you’ll be happy to know that the wait for Marvel’s next series, Jessica Jones, is only a short couple months away!
Last week, Marvel released this teaser…
The teaser trailer bears a striking resemblance in style to the first Daredevil teaser. Considering the fact that Marvel has said that all their Netflix series will be intertwined, we think this is a great marketing strategy to help audiences associate the two characters as connected. It seems as though Marvel can’t fail…
Are you excited for Jessica Jones? We are.
Alec Mangum is the Associate Editor at the Daily Runner.
You can follow his nerdy adventures on Twitter & Instagram.