I AM Project: Rebecca Criscuolo
If I had one word to describe Becca Criscuolo, it would be BRAVE.
Originally from Branford, Connecticut, Becca came to Regent University in Virginia Beach under the impression that it wasn’t a “super Christian school.” She had spent her high school years partying and was hoping that a school at the beach would be wild and full of more parties.
After moving in, she began to realize she had made a huge miscalculation. She called her mom and told her she wasn’t staying and that she had to come home. Her mother made her stay because they’d already paid for the semester and Becca considers it one of the best things that’s ever happened to her.
October rolled around and Becca had been at Regent a month and the Lord had been preparing her and softening her heart. After reading Luke 15 about Christ’s reckless love for us, Becca wept as she realized that God had been chasing after her heart even when she wasn’t chasing him. She surrendered.
Since Becca surrendered, she’s become heavily involved in International Justice Missions, which is an organization on campus that fights against human trafficking. She is now the president and is passionate about helping people all around the world live in freedom through Christ.
When she first started hearing about the organization, she was planning to go to law school and eventually be a Supreme Court Justice. God kept pushing her toward this new goal, however. All of her government classes kept mentioning human trafficking and all she could think was, “They just need someone to fight for them.” She bravely followed God and is looking forward to international opportunities to begin getting involved hands-on.
Becca is boldly ambitious and wildly brave. Nothing she does is without adventure. I pray the Lord leads her into her future with a clear vision and loads of laughter.
This is Becca’s story.
Rachel Adams is a contributor to the Daily Runner.