Fashion Fridays: Chloe Josephs

The super adorable Chloe Josephs (CJ) is the subject of this week’s edition of Fashion Fridays. I absolutely love seeing what Chloe wears to our Persuasive Communication class each week, so I figured I should share my weekly excitement with all of you Daily Runner readers.

HH: “First things first, (I’m a realist) tell me where you found that awesome high-low dress.”

CJ: “I stole it in cold blood from my mother’s closet this morning. Its from Ross.”

HH: “Nice! I was just in there yesterday and bought this awesome neck pillow. You are literally the queen of accessorizing! How do you go about putting accessories together to complete your outfits?”

CJ: “In all honesty, most of my accessories are gifts. I am surrounded by the most generous and loving people who pick things up that make them think of me! If they are not gifts, usually I pick them up from thrift stores, book stores, and flea markets. If it speaks to me, I buy it!

HH: “That’s beautiful! Love that. I also love how put together you always look! Can I have an estimate of how long it takes you to create an outfit in the morning?”

CJ: “I am a natural woman, I don’t usually wear make up or put a lot of products in my hair, unless its a super special occasion. The most time-consuming things are my outfits. Honestly, it takes me forever to get dressed. Usually, I plan out an outfit the night before, wake up in a different mood, and end up changing my mind! I go through about three different options before I decide. I would wager it takes about 45 minutes.”

HH: “Girl, I am totally in the same boat- I literally go through my entire closet before I choose what to wear.”

My favorite nugget of wisdom that Chloe gave us is that if something speaks to her, she buys it! Fashion Friday readers, next time you go shopping and something speaks to you, don’t go to a psychiatrist, buy it.

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