Alpha Phi Omega Interest Meetings
Love helping others while gaining leadership skills?
Come check out Alpha Phi Omega!Alpha Phi Omega is a co-ed national service fraternity composed of college students gathered together in an organization based on and founded in principles of leadership, friendship, and service. Its aim is to further the freedom that is our national, educational, and intellectual heritage. Membership is open to any student enrolled at Regent University, in the local area, and in good standing with the University.
Come check out Alpha Phi Omega!Alpha Phi Omega is a co-ed national service fraternity composed of college students gathered together in an organization based on and founded in principles of leadership, friendship, and service. Its aim is to further the freedom that is our national, educational, and intellectual heritage. Membership is open to any student enrolled at Regent University, in the local area, and in good standing with the University.
How can you join?
Come to an information session! Two will be held Thursday and Friday 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm in Robertson Hall, room 123. You can contact the chapter President, Ryan Sexton at or the chapter at You can also visit the National website at
Ryan Sexton is a contributor to The Daily Runner.