5 Lessons We Can All Learn from the Jonas Brothers’ Reunion

February 28, 2019, gave us the blessing we didn’t know we needed: a Jonas Brothers reunion. It came as a shock to some, but for others it was a long time coming since their devastating split in 2013. Besides the obvious instinct to dig up old posters and Camp Rock paraphernalia, one can find that deep within this melodious mending of the JoBros there are lessons to be learned.

1. Timing is Everything

After the smashing success of Disney Channel show JONAS L.A. (2010), the Jonas Brothers attempted their first comeback in 2013. The T.V. show’s soundtrack was their last album as a group, and only three years later, they set out to create a new one. After years of trying to live up to the cookie-cutter image that Disney required, the JoBros sought to break away from their Disney roots and pursue an edgier style of music that reflected their maturity. No one was ready for this grown up version of the boy band, and neither were the bros. After releasing just a few songs, Joe, Nick, and Kevin realized it wasn’t working and cancelled the album – along with all of our hopes and dreams – in announcing their official break up. It was too much too soon. Six years after this tragic loss, their target audience has grown and learned along with them. This time, we’re ready for you, JoBros.

2. Some Icons Never Die

The Jonas Brothers have experienced unprecedented success after success, and their momentum hasn’t slowed. Their new single, “Sucker,” was quick to hit the charts, much to the surprise of the brothers. They are amazed that, after all this time, the fans they had back in 2008 are the same fans cheering them on today. This loyalty is only spurred on by those who remain untouched in history. The Jonas Brothers created a name for themselves over a decade ago, and this name is not going anywhere soon. It is exemplary character and dedication that makes an icon, and we have found three right here.

3. Kevin Will Always be the Least Favorite

Just reminding you that, yes, this is objectively true.

4. Blood is Thicker than Water

When the waters get rough, and a messy boy band breakup is on the horizon, it may seem like all hope is lost. But these boys have a unique advantage over any other boy band. One Direction? Hiatus (that is, if they ever decide to come back). Big Time Rush? R.I.P. We miss you. So many greats have come and gone, but it’s hard to stay gone when you are seeing each other at every family event and holiday. The JoBros can call it quits and choose to never work together again, but they will always have the family ties that bind them together. They will always come back to each other; whether they choose to do it with music or not is up to them (and we hope they do), but their brotherly love is strong enough to overcome any obstacle.

5. Redemptive Relationships are Possible

Perhaps the most meaningful takeaway (besides #3, duh). In the lieu of promo all in the name of Jonas Brothers week, one thing was reiterated that seemed to strike a chord with those who paid close attention. Nick, the youngest of the trio, gracefully laid the truth out for all to hear: he was the reason the band broke up. This could easily go unnoticed; obviously someone had to initiate it. But to be the person to own up to his mistake in front of the whole world was necessary for the brothers. It was clear that he was taking responsibility, and that he genuinely felt bad about it. Sometimes this is what it takes to restore relationships. To own up to one’s mistakes, this is humility. To offer a second chance, this is grace. Redemptive relationships require action on both ends. Kevin and Joe responded to Nick’s action and extended this grace – and boy are we glad they did!

All in all, there are a lot of takeaways that can be gleaned from the Jonas Brothers reunion. Maybe there will be more to uncover in the new album, and maybe some we will not be revealed until the year 3000. Either way, we’re here for it. Thank you, JoBros, for all you have taught us.

Christa Fisher is a contributor to the Daily Runner.