The Fellowship for Christian Athletes (FCA) off to a great start!
There’s a lot that goes on in a typical day at Regent. There are classes, meetings, events, but it’s always nice to end where we are called to begin each day: in God’s Word. The Fellowship for Christian Athletes (FCA) is doing just that.
Monday nights at 8:15 p.m., RH 113 gets transformed from a typical classroom to an inviting space for athletes and non-athletes alike to gather and grow together in their spiritual walk with the Lord. Each huddle consists of a brief meet and greet with other members, a game or two to break the ice, a brief message from the night’s speaker based out of the ONE Athlete’s Bible, and then concludes in prayer and reflection, sometimes accompanied by a short worship time. The motto for the ONE Athlete’s Bible is “One Passion, One Pain, One Power, One Purpose” and centers around Philippians 1:27 which states, “Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, condctcing yourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ. Then, whether I come and see you again or only hear about you, I will know that you are standing together with one spirit and one purpose, fighting together for the faith, which is the Good News” (NLT; emphasis added).

The FCA chapter at Regent was founded in Fall 2017 and has gained a lot of traction for a club that has been operating for less than a year. When asked how it all got started, Precious Jackson, President of the FCA chapter, said it began with Pastor Cheeks. According to her, he was “the man with the vision” and chose to invest in Precious to help get the ball rolling. Precious said she never heard about FCA until Pastor Cheeks brought it up and helped her get enrolled as one of the huddle leaders for an FCA camp. She said it was at that camp that she “experienced God like no other.” When asked what FCA meant to her, Precious answered that it helps her understand “what it means to a be a young Christian, living out our daily lives.” Similarly, Chenelle Foster, the Secretary of FCA, said, “FCA, for me, is an opportunity to learn and grow with like-minded young people in a different environment that’s not mandated or required… [it’s a] more unique and intimate environment.”
Precious explained that the mission of FCA, as an organization, is to spread to every college campus and to share the gospel through each person’s specific avenues whether it be in sports or otherwise. “Your sport,” she said, “is just another vessel or avenue to hear about God.” Caleb Hebb, Marketing Director for FCA, gave the unique mission for FCA at Regent, being “to further disciple the students here, and through that discipleship to reach unsaved people… being on a Christian campus doesn’t mean we’re all saved.” Chenelle Foster echoed with saying the mission is “to bring together groups of people that wouldn’t likely come together… to grow together for a common purpose.”
FCA truly is a place for athletes and non-athletes alike to gather together in God’s name. Do not be intimidated by the fact that its name implies a focus on athletes; everyone is invited to join at the Lord’s table, and FCA is no different. When asked why athletes and non-athletes should attend FCA, Precious answered: “Difference. We really want to make a difference… together, so that we [can] grow; we’re all called to make a difference. I’d like to encourage people to come if you want to be a difference maker.” She said that when we all leave Regent, we “want to make sure that we did something to make a change;” FCA is that change for her. Chenelle Foster said everyone should attend as an “intentional, individual investment.”
At the end of our interview, Precious Jackson, Caleb Hebb, and Chenelle Foster wanted to thank all of the coaches who had spoken at previous huddles and for all they have done to help encourage an atmosphere of spiritual growth.
If the testimonies from these three dedicated leaders are not enough to convince you to give FCA a try, I will speak from personal experience. I have attended several FCA huddles since their start and each time they never cease to amaze me in the powerful messages that are discussed and deepened. These three leaders, among the rest of the leaders whom I did not get a chance to interview, have succeeded in creating an environment for students to break out of their comfort zones, and, as Precious Jackson stated at the huddle on Apr. 9, “be bold for God.” I strongly encourage everyone to give FCA a chance. So if you find yourself with nothing to do Monday night, why not stop by Robertson Hall 113? If you drop by, you will be met with students who all want to grow together to deepen their relationship with God, and we should all embrace that.
Hannah Vermont is a staff writer for The Daily Runner.