Sneak Peak: S.E. Cupp Questions Nation’s Mental Healthcare Failures
A tragic shooting that occurred at the Washington Navy Yard this past Monday claimed the lives of 12 people – including the gunman, Aaron Alexis. S.E. Cupp, co-host of CNN’s Crossfire and a New York Daily News columnist, has written an excellent opinion piece on this subject. Cupp points out that many other mass murderers, including Adam Lanza, James Holmes and Jared Loughner, were mentally unstable, as Alexis is believed to have been.
According to Cupp, “If we are serious about putting an end to these massacres we must confront two realities. One, it is impossible to completely prevent aberrant events like the Navy Yard shooting. Evil exists and evil can not be 100 percent eradicated. Two, the only meaningful thing uniting these perpetrators is a mental health system that has failed them. Every other conversation is mere misdirection, avoidance and self-interested politicking.”
You can read the article here.