Kim Walker-Smith Back at Regent NOW

Missed Kim Walker-Smith at Regent NOW? Read below for a recap of the incredible event!

Mar. 29, 2019 – The Regent and Virginia Beach community was blessed to have another chance to see Kim Walker-Smith at Regent’s Night of Worship (NOW). For the second time this year, Walker-Smith came to Regent, and it was clear by a packed house that the community was still excited to worship along with her.

Before Night of Worship started, Mar. 2019. (Abby Trivett)

After prayer, Smith started out the night with the foot-tapping song “In the River” to kick the night off. Her vibrant voice filled the room, clapping emerged, and the audience was ready to worship the Lord. “Not Afraid,” came next and for many around the room it was a time of releasing pain, fear, doubt, worry, and anxiety to place them in God’s hands, knowing that He has already won the victory over those things. It was a time of realization that God will take all obstacles and turn them around because His grace, glory, and mercy are greater and more powerful than anything else.

“Fresh Outpouring” was the next song on the set-list, and its expression of renewal and redemption brought about a new light to the room. With low lighting and words of strength and refreshment from Walker-Smith, the crowd was given the chance to take the moment in and soak up what the Holy Spirit had to say to each person. It was during this time that the audience praised God each in their own words, emphasizing the private relationship between the individuals in the room and Christ. For a few minutes the Chapel became very quiet while each person fixed their focus completely on Him. From here, the performance flowed into the next song selection: “Holy Spirit” mixed with “Show Me Your Glory” followed by an anecdote from Walker-Smith. She spoke about her son and encouraged the audience to have the faith of a child: easy and completely dependent on our Father. She then introduced a new song, which centered on complete worship and attention to God; He is our every and only need and craving.

Kim Walker-Smith singing “Fresh Outpouring” at NOW, Mar. 2019. (Abby Trivett)

“What a Beautiful Name” came next and it struck the right chords with the audience; the room appeared to have almost every raising hands, giving praise to the great name of Jesus and the power that truly lies behind it. This was a special moment in the night where the crowd reached out for God.

The last song of the night was “King of My Heart.” This song had the crowd roaring with clapping, jumping, dancing, hand-raising, and shouting out the goodness of God, ending the Night of Worship on a remarkable note.

Regent’s Night of Worship featuring Kim Walker-Smith not only showcased powerhouse vocals, instrumentals, and video, sound, and lighting teams, but it allowed the local community of believers to gather together for one truly special worship session filled with the Holy Spirit to restore and renew the people of Virginia Beach, all the while bringing glory to God.

If you would like the watch the NOW featuring Kim Walker-Smith, please click here.

Abby Trivett is a staff writer for the Daily Runner.

Abby Trivett

Abby Trivett

Abby Trivett is the former senior editor for The Daily Runner and is a current Regent masters student.