Women’s Volleyball Senior Highlight
Established in 2016, the Regent University athletic program is a newer addition to student life. However, it has quickly grown to become a dominant force on campus. This year, Regent is proud to compete in nine different sports, one of which is women’s volleyball. The Royals recently hired Katelyn Totherow as head coach, and she has been working with her team to build discipline and strive for excellence in everything they do. The Royals volleyball team—led by team captains Makenzie Lambertson, Mariya Kienzler, and Brooke Glisson—has had a strong season, and despite many challenges, they have continued to be strong competitors on the court. A major strength of this team is their seasoned roster and all the seniors have to offer. This year, the women’s volleyball team has six seniors, and each one of them has contributed significantly to the success of the team.
Makenzie Lambertson (#2) has been part of the volleyball team all four years of her undergraduate degree and is one of the team captains this year. During her time at Regent, she has been involved in the PSALMS leadership program. Her favorite place to study on campus is the library. Although college is full of fun activities, she encourages underclassmen to “stay on top of your work.” She will graduate in the spring with a double major in Healthcare Management and Communications with a concentration in public relations. Her post-graduation plans are to get a job at an assisted living facility in the management department and work to become a CEO.

McKenzie Knaub (#6) has been part of the volleyball team for the past three years and is graduating a year early. During her time at Regent, she loved to study anywhere outside, especially in the field with the cross by the library. As someone who took a heavy course load each semester, she does encourage other students to maintain a healthy balance between school and personal life. McKenzie said, “Make sure you’re not so focused on school that you don’t make time for fun activities and friends.” She will graduate in the spring with a degree in Law and National Security and plans to attend Regent Law School next year.
Gabriella Keaton (#9) played for the Royals all four years of her college career and served as Academic Captain, which involves overseeing team study hall and serving as a resource for any teammates who were struggling academically. During her time at Regent, she enjoyed studying in the library and advises underclassmen to “learn time management with your schoolwork because it will help you in the long run.” She will graduate in the winter with a Business degree, and her future plans include earning her MBA.

Mariya Kienzler (#11), team captain, has been part of the team for the last two years after her transfer from Richard Bland University. During her time at Regent, she also participated in the Communications Honor Society, Lambda Pi Eta, where she served as Vice President. Her favorite study spots on campus are the Ordinary balcony and the study rooms in the library. When asked what helped her succeed in college, her advice was to “get to know your professors! We have a great staff of professors here that all want to see you succeed. Use them as resources and talk to them about your classes; they are almost always willing to help.” She will graduate in the winter with a degree in Communications Studies and a minor in Leadership. Her future plans are to pursue a Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership from Regent University.
Sarah Jordan (#15) has been part of the team for four years and served as Team Chaplain, which involves serving as a spiritual leader on the team and leading team devotions. During her time at Regent, she was part of the PSALMS Leadership team and served as a Patient Advocacy at the Crisis Pregnancy Center. Her favorite place to study on campus is the upstairs piano rooms in the Communications building. Her advice to underclassmen is, “Get involved in your community- the relationships and memories formed doing life together are worth the world!” She will graduate in the spring with a degree in Psychology and plans to get her M.A. in Human Services with a concentration in trauma and crisis counseling.

Haley Stepp (#18) participated in the volleyball program for four years. During her time at Regent, she took most of her classes online and enjoyed studying at her nearby Starbucks. While school is very important, Haley also pointed out the importance of friendship by advising underclassmen to “enjoy the time you have with your friends in college.” She is graduating in the spring with a degree in Professional Studies and a concentration in healthcare management and business. Her plan after graduation is to work in a rehabilitation center.
The Women’s Volleyball Team plays their senior night game on Thursday, October 28th at 6:00 pm at the Virginia Beach Field House. During the match, the seniors will be recognized for all they have contributed to the program. I encourage everyone to come to support the seniors and the rest of the team in their final home game of the 2021 season! After talking to them, it is clear all the seniors are striving for excellence both on and off the court and should be acknowledged for their hard work to compete at a high level while also working towards their career goals.