News Wrap Up
5 things you need to know from this week, plus 1 you don’t.
Sept. 24, 2019 – Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi launched an impeachment inquiry into President Trump’s alleged violation of law for not (initially) turning over the whistleblower’s complaint to Congress that accused Trump of supposedly asking Ukraine to interfere with the U.S. election. (The whistleblower complaint was released to the public two days later.) There are already ongoing investigations into Trump within House committees, so this inquiry is simply placing them under an impeachment umbrella – it is not an official part of the impeachment process. To watch Pelosi’s announcement, click here.
Sept. 25, 2019 – The transcript of President Trump’s July phone conversation with the Ukrainian president, which was central to the whistleblower’s complaint, has been released. This transcript has raised questions about whether or not a quid pro quo was offered by Trump during this call with regard to Ukraine investigating former vice president and 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden. Click here to read the full transcript.
Sept. 27, 2019 – In Nigeria, 300 boys and men were rescued by police from a school where they were being held in “dehumanizing conditions.” They were chained and tortured at the school, but are now being reunited with their families – some from nearby countries. Read the article here.
Sept. 27, 2019 – Two Girl Scouts created a cookbook with a variety of tasty recipes to enhance the meals at a Virginia Beach soup kitchen. After learning that recipients of the food served at the Judeo-Christian Outreach Center desired a greater variety of meals than the usual spaghetti and chili, Girl Scouts Alexi Vendetti and Reeves Caporicci designed a cookbook with delicious recipes serving 100 people for the homeless shelter. To read the entire story, click here.
Sept. 28, 2019 – A 24-year-old man who donated over $1.14 million to the
University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital was called out for old, racist tweets from when he was 16 years old. The donor, Carson King, raised the funds by holding up a sign at a college football game asking for money to replenish his beer supply. Reporter Aaron Calvin who mentioned the tweets in a profile of King, was fired from the Des Moines Register after offensive tweets of his own were found by readers that were upset with him for digging up King’s. Calvin claims that he was simply doing what his editors has told him to by reporting King’s tweets. Read the initial story here and the reporter’s story here.
And the bonus – ‘French Spiderman’ detained by German police after climbing Frankfurt skyscraper.