Alpha Psi Omega: Regent’s Theater Honor Society
Attention all theater majors, creatives, and musical lovers alike! Are you looking for a place at Regent University to be surrounded with like-minded people and the ability to host a variety of events? Come join Alpha Psi Omega (APO), the Regent University theater honor society. As someone once involved in dance and performances, I was curious to see what Regent University offered in terms of official performing arts clubs and have been impressed by the results. I recently had the opportunity to join an APO information meeting and also speak to Lauren Garrido, the chapter’s president. Lauren along with her fellow club members were excited to share with me the highlights of their society and upcoming events.
While the Regent APO chapter was formed two years ago by Josie Ros, there have been several recent transitions to gain acceptance as a university funded club and to withstand the outbreak of COVID-19. One of these changes included Lauren Garrido becoming the new president upon Josie’s graduation. Lauren is a sophomore working on her B.F.A. in Acting with a background in dance. She has also completed two shows with Regent University and during her time with APO, hopes to continue growing the club and providing unique opportunities for theater-loving students.
“The purpose of this, the REGENT UNIVERSITY CAST of ALPHA PSI OMEGA is to stimulate interest in theater activities at Regent University and to secure for the university all the advantages and mutual helpfulness provided by a large national honor society. By allowing students membership to the society, it will provide them a reward for their participation in theatre activities of the university.”
Alpha Psi Omega’s Mission Statement
More specifically, the club was founded with the goal of creating more opportunities for theater students to further their talents; this chapter provides them chances to create and be involved in the theater department within a Christian environment. APO leaders also seek to educate students not involved in theater and spread appreciation for the performing arts.
To join, students must acquire points through theater involvement such as acting in a show, working as crew or as an assistant stage manager, and maintaining a 3.0 GPA. There are currently six members in Alpha Psi Omega as the organization is fairly new and former members have graduated. Aside from having many opportunities, being a member of APO involves planning and hosting events that are open for all students to attend!

Another great aspect of APO is the many different areas of the arts that it incorporates. Hannah Genberg, a junior in the B.A. program who works in the scene shop and enjoys being a part of APO, explained that each member of the organization can find their own niche. APO does not only involve theater, but also includes aspects of dance and music, encouraging a well-rounded environment. Members can have a place outside of the pressure of curriculum and grades to hone in on their passions. The Treasurer, Bella Wisham, explained that being involved helps students with experience, accountability, and, most importantly, exposure. Having the experience that APO provides is beneficial in building members’ resumes. She elaborated that bringing together “a group of people who support theater and who really fight to preform plays that students otherwise wouldn’t be in is amazing because [it provides great] experience. Especially for women in the film and theater industries, it’s good to band together, get exposure, and create things we wouldn’t create on our own.”
On this note, Alina Grace Whitmore, the Secretary, is eager to offer openings for Lab Shows, which will occur Nov. 12-13 at 7:30 p.m. These shows are opportunities to host and act in events that are overseen by professors but remain completely student-led! Taking part in these shows allows students to experiment with different roles in the theater, including directing and costuming. A previous Regent lab show, The Playwright’s Festival, featured a variety of pieces and collaborated with alums, so plug yourself in and try something new!
Playwright’s Festival 2021 Castlewood: A current lab show
There are few things to keep an eye out for! APO’s Instagram page will be coming soon as well as a new weekly event called the Tapestry Dance Workshop. This event will be open to students with various dance backgrounds and skill levels, and it will begin Nov. 3 at 5-6 p.m. in the Communication Building, Room 324. Events further down the road include improv nights, movie nights with guest speakers, networking events, audition workshops, and small competitive projects!
If you are interested in joining or want more information about APO, contact president Lauren Garrido at!