Join Moot Court!
Moot Court: where you will have fun learning how to debate well and make new friends in the process.
The Regent Undergraduate Debate Association (RUDA) is the Moot Court debate team on campus, and they are having their interest meeting today (Wednesday, Sept. 6) in Robertson Hall room 113 from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. If you’ve never competed in Moot Court before, it is basically a form of debate that simulates how a lawyer would argue their case before the Supreme Court. To learn more about what Moot Court is, visit my previous article describing it here.
When you join RUDA, there is an option to take it as a 2-credit Government course, which is available to students of all majors. Dr. Higgins, who is the faculty advisor for RUDA, will discuss the academic credit aspect of Moot Court at the interest meeting.
As RUDA secretary Kelly Fetterman said, attend the interest meeting to find out more about Moot Court, and meet people with similar interests; even if you have never debated before and think you’re unable to, it doesn’t hurt to try–especially since RUDA will teach you and help you reach competition-level debate.
Changes to Moot Court
Jessie Wollum is the new assistant coach; Kana Turley is the new president; Kelly Fetterman is the new secretary; Garrett Allred is the returning treasurer; Hannah Lillemo is the new social coordinator; and Matthew Ferri is the new marketing manager. Hannah mentioned that there are already a lot of new freshmen and transfers joining Moot Court this year. Additionally, there is a new informal mentorship program beginning where returning members will counsel new members and help answer their questions as well as aid them in crafting their arguments. Visit RUDA’s page to learn more about it, or contact the new leadership with any questions.
Transitioning with new staff
Hannah said that the transition to the new board will be smooth since they were all in RUDA last year, are good friends, and have strong communication and leadership.
Kelly mentioned that this is her first year on RUDA’s executive board, and she is looking forward to being in leadership this year – to be there for team members who have questions and to help set the tone with the board for rest of the year. She said that the team culture is focused on integrity and keeping God at its center.
Looking ahead for Moot Court
Hannah hopes Moot Court continues to grow, that students who join RUDA will compete for multiple years and help cultivate a strong team with a solid foundation as they make it a more concrete program. Personally, she looks forward to growing her own public speaking skills and that everyone would sharpen each other as they grow together and create strong team unity.
Hannah added that she is grateful Jess Bradley is returning as the RUDA head coach, as she both encourages and challenges students, pushing them to be successful. “The team wouldn’t be what it is without her,” Hannah commented.
Both Hannah and Kelly encourage everyone to give RUDA a try, even if you’re slightly curious. It doesn’t hurt to attend the interest meeting and learn more about the organization. As Hannah put it: “If you’re someone who enjoys competition and wants to join a group of people that cares about and invests in each other like a family, join Moot Court.” Hannah added that RUDA is “super fun” and one of her favorite clubs that she’s joined at Regent.
Kelly said that new people who join RUDA will learn to think critically, communicate their thoughts clearly, and carry themselves well in tough situations.
Regent will host a Moot Court Regional Tournament competition on Nov. 10-11, and teams advance to the National Tournament in January if they qualify.
Natalia is a staff writer for the Daily Runner.