Club Highlight: Students for Life
Are you someone who advocates strongly for the pro-life movement and the post-Roe generation? Do you want to put that passion to good use while you’re at Regent? Consider joining Students for Life (SFL)!
SFL, led by president and senior Natalee Wilson, is a student-led organization that exists to train, recruit, and mobilize the pro-life generation to abolish abortion. There are a wide variety of SFL college chapters across the United States, making it a leading national organization. They hold speaking events, fundraisers, training opportunities, and put out displays that initiate conversations on the topic. Each of these occasions relates to one or more of the organization’s five pillars:
- Public Policy
- Industry Impact
- Rapid Response
- Effective Education
- Supportive Services
One of the big fundraisers that Regent’s SFL club does is the Baby Bottle Campaign. Baby bottles are set up on a table and given to people who are able and willing to collect donations of all kinds (coins, cash, and/or checks) for a month to fill the bottle. The money raised goes to the Crisis Pregnancy Center of Tidewater and is allocated to all sorts of needs, including employment pay and women supplies. This month-long fundraiser has always been very fruitful with them rising up to $100,000 one time!
SFL is big on having an open dialogue about abortion and partaking in community outreach. They also provide a strong base for students seeking change but feeling overwhelmed by the events that happen in the abortion narrative. They focus on equipping members with the resources to create a culture where life is promoted and also discuss the ability to vote for policy reform.
Though SFL is a secular organization, their views on abortion align with Christian principles on the value of life. Natalee mentioned that there are many scripture verses revealing this: “The Bible says not to murder,” and that “we should come to Christ like children,” (Exod. 20:13, Matt. 18:3). She also highlighted a biblical view on life with the example of John the Baptist moving in the womb after hearing Mary’s voice (Luke 1:41). Knowing that Scripture speaks to the importance of human life, Natalee has no doubt that the core goals of the pro-life movement honors what the Lord says.
Natalee shared that her years at Regent have had a huge influence on how she leads this club. “All of the biblical integration in my classes as a business major were leadership focused, so learning how to lead from a Christian viewpoint has been really helpful. I was involved with other clubs on campus, and so all of that experience together has prepared me to be president this year.” She joyfully gives credit to the Lord for using Regent to find her calling in this aspect of her life.
If you would like to be a part of SFL, you can email expressing your interest. Because they are a low commitment club, attending their events is not required but are encouraged if you are genuinely interested in making a difference in the pro-life movement.